
Multiscale Social Vulnerability in U.S. (1.0.0) [Data set]

Sustainable Adaptations to the Future Environment of Kansas

Learn more about our work on project SAFE KAW in this video. The full series of SAFE KAW updates on all aspects of the project can be found at the Kansas Geological Survey’s YouTube channel.

Rural sustainability methods, drivers, and outcomes: A systematic review

In the past three decades, sustainability science has taken on new importance as interest groups investigate better ways to tackle global challenges—environmental degradation, climate change, and human well-being—that pose risks to communities, …

Selecting indicators for assessing community sustainable resilience

Communities are complex systems subject to a variety of hazards that can result in significant disruption to critical functions. Community resilience assessment is rapidly gaining popularity as a means to help communities better prepare for, respond …

An integrated and dynamic framework for assessing sustainable resilience in complex adaptive systems

Growing awareness of climate change and resulting impacts to communities have generated increasing interest in understanding relationships between vulnerability, resilience, sustainability, and adaptive capacity, and how these concepts can be …

An integrative approach to conceptualizing sustainable resilience

Vulnerability, resilience, and sustainability are three concepts commonly used in assessing the quality of a variety of systems. While each can be applied independently when performing risk analysis, there is growing interest across multiple …

A method for creating high resolution maps of social vulnerability in the context of environmental hazards

The availability of demographic information from census data has enabled the development of indices that describe the relative social vulnerability of populations at different locations. These indices are often used in conjunction with models of …